Monday, November 5, 2007

Weeeek - NewS Music Video and Lyrics

Weeeek - NewS Music Video and Lyrics

Weeeek - NewS

*From tomorrow, it's back 2 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Look, after Wednesday & Thursday come around, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Let's cherish these days of our dreams
1 more time
From tomorrow, it's back 2 S, M, T
Look, after Wednesday & Thursday come around, F, Sat, S
Let's enjoy ourselves in these days that belong to us
Come on, let's go*

I'll start
M starts these regular days
The weekend that I long 4 is still far away
I'm already used 2 the routines on T & W
The smile I faked might have just cramped

By the time I realize, it's Th
This is pretty important
Since I don't ve any plans 4 tomorrow night
I'll spend all of F thinking
Freely, I'll break through these walls & go

I survive everyday, but my heart is clouded
We get past these days
But if u give up on ur wandering heart
then that's where u lose, let's go at our own pace

This is a pattern that can't be helped
With so many things to do, my feelings are completely overwhelmed
Sleeping 4 hours a day, I concentrate 2 maintain this stamina from day 2 day

What does it mean 2 become an adult?
Keeping up our appearances now, what will we look like when we're 35?
Will we ve become cool adults?

I survive every day, but my heart is clouded
We'll get past these days
Going slowly is fine, just don't ever quit
Someday, this drop of water will finally hit its mark

In these reoccuring days, these feelings that ve no place 2 go
Circle around dizzyingly
We've got 2 swim through these days, w/o quitting, life dance
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